Trending 2024 - The Report

In 2024, consumers will be counting on brands to provide a safe route through these tensions, however the dust settles. Download the preview version of our Trending 2024 report now to uncover the strategic imperatives your company will need to action next year and beyond.

Reckoning with Reality

Consumers and brands can no longer afford to shut their eyes to urgent issues and changes impacting the world at large, from the AI revolution to health crises and environmental degradation. People are being forced to reckon with 4 big questions:

In 2024, we will see consumers reckoning with what it means to be human.

In 2024, we will see consumers reckoning with what it means to be healthy.

In 2024, we will see consumers reckoning with what it means to be sustainable.

In 2024, we will see consumers reckoning with what it means to belong.

Trending 2024. Powered by Collision our dynamic trends intelligence platform.

We start with your challenges. Our proprietary algorithms combine with expert insight to uncover the most relevant trends. Then we make them actionable.

We help you see beyond what’s happening now, to what will happen next and what you need to do to get there.

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