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Measure your future readiness in just 4 minutes

Introducing Foresight 360, our Strategic Foresight Maturity assessment tool, designed to help your organization assess, evaluate, and enhance its Foresight capabilities.
Reveal where your organization stands on the Foresight Maturity spectrum

Foresight-led brands perform better

They are 33% more profitable
& have 200% higher market capitalization growth*.

*Source: Effects of future preparedness on firm performance with a 7-year time lag (Rohrbeck & Kum, 2018).

Foresight 360 assesses your maturity across 8 essential criteria


Foresight-led organizations track, interpret, and prioritize early change signals, applying them to business planning for competitive business advantage and tangible results.


Successful organizations implement always-on, dynamic signal tracking to enhance competitiveness, fostering Strategic Foresight through integration and decentralization.


Brands that invest in a dedicated Strategic Foresight department maintain competitive edge, manage risk and thrive with true cross company engagement.

Business strategy

Foresight-driven organizations embrace Strategic Foresight as a fundamental tool, shaping long-term strategy, managing risk, and fostering innovation, challenging traditional beliefs.

Leadership and culture

Brands that believe and commit to the value of deployed Foresight, lead with a long-term strategic vision to innovate and yield strong financial returns.


Successful organizations maximize success by integrating Strategic Foresight into cross-functional workstreams like loyalty, value chains, and partnerships.


Foresight-led organizations drive cross-functional collaboration, setting clear KPIs for sustainable, bottom-up Strategic Foresight, influencing business across all time horizons.

Influence beyond

Successful brands get recognition from consumers and industry alike. Excel with innovation, adaptability, and forward-thinking to become a leader shaping the future.

Want to see further?

Talk to us now to accelerate your Strategic Foresight transformation.