Dynamic foresight - and why it matters

The future is not static. So we don’t believe your foresight planning should be either.

trend tracking

Live trends tracking

We are the only trends agency who can incorporate your trends framework onto our dynamic intelligence platform, Collision. So you can have a customized, living and breathing foresight and insight tool, tailored to your business objectives, giving you the latest data, trends and consumer shifts for all your key stakeholders.

Focus on the right signals

From consumer behaviours and attitudes to macro influences, channels or categories, we can slice your trends framework to however you need to see it, so you can understand customer-centric business signals as quickly and clearly as possible.

signals dynamic foresight
business meeting

Activate across your organisation

We make trends applicable across your entire organisation. Everyone else tells you what’s going on, we help you decide what to do about it, now, next and in the future. We recommend actions by sector and business function, from innovation to customer experience.

Size impact by customer group

We blend a robust dataset of 35,000 global consumers with expert insight tracked over two decades to help you better understand large shifts in consumer behaviour, uncover macro trends and signals and find the opportunities before they happen.  We can even add your own data, so you can compare against a global data set.

data dynamic foresight

We can help you take control of your post-Covid future with dynamic foresight.